- We gather together and enter into worship with silence and a time for reflection and settling into prayer.
- We follow the liturgy using the ELW worship book/hymnal. If you are new, just ask a neighbor in the pew. We would love to help.
- In the liturgy there will be a children's story. After that the children may stay with their parents or join others in the Narthex or basement for play, reading, or coloring.
- We will hear scripture readings, including one from the Gospels and then listen for the message of Grace within the sermon that can guide our week ahead.
- In the Prayers of the Faithful we will offer up our gratitude, joys, and sorrows collectively.
- The Eucharist Table to open to all and we are not quite complete without you.
- There is a fellowship time after the service in the narthex and we would love for you to join us.